Geo's Avatar

Hi. I'm George Wright.

The avatar is Geo, from Team Umizoomi. I've adopted this avatar because it matches my email handle of over 35 years.

This site is just an exercise in static website building and hosting.

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I'm retired!

So I don't do much.

Retirement Icon


I'm retired from the Navy and from Loyola University Maryland. I live with my wife Pat at Mercy Ridge.

Administrative Icon


I'm the Administrative Assistant for our Residents Council, maintaining rosters and our website.

Music Icon


I played baritone sax with MoodSwings for 20 years, but I've donated all my saxes to Baltimore School for the Arts.

How I've spent my time lately.

HTML, Java, and Python projects using Jetbrains tools.

If you want to get in touch.

Forget a contact form! Just use email.

I've had the same email address since 1988. It's out there, so I'm not worried about posting it. Feel free: Send Email. If you want to really be discreet, you might want to use PGP with my public key


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